Local authorities and communities

Public service delegation contract
As a high-performance broadband infrastructure operator, Prizz puts the breadth of its expertise at the service of local authorities and communities.
Through public service delegation contracts, Prizz has the capacity to respond to various types of calls for tender, regardless of the service (installation, deployment, operation, maintenance, and so on) or contractual context (leasing, IRU, concession agreement, etc.).
Our latest projects
Connection of secondary teaching establishments in the Centre-Val de Loire region, France.
Prizz won a call for tenders issued by GIP RECIA, Centre-Val de Loire’s regional resource centre for digital services, for a 15-year Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) lease for 154 km of unused dark fibre between 27 network access points, connecting secondary teaching establishments in the municipalities of Blois, Châteauroux, Romorantin-Lanthenay, Saint Aignan, Vendôme and Vierzon.
Prizz proved itself to be truly invested in our project and was always there to help us overcome any hurdles we encountered.Isabelle Lavarenne-Gastal
Head of telecommunications, GIP RECIA
Connection of 18 university sites and a data centre for UPEC, Île-de-France
Université Paris-Est-Créteil (UPEC) is a public digital services operator that manages the higher education sites in Créteil (9 sites), Bonneuil-sur-Marne (1 site), Vitry-sur-Seine (1 site), Saint-Denis (1 site), Livry-Gargan (1 site), Torcy (1 site), Lieusaint (1 site), Melun (1 site) and Fontainebleau (2 sites), as well as the Euclydes data centre in Lognes. Prizz provided a pair of unused dark fibre cables between the 18 UPEC sites and the data centre, and leased 222 km of unused dark fibre pairs. The contract term is 15 years.
Installation of 2,200 km of fibre-optic cables and 2,800 km
of coaxial cables under a public service delegation contract for the SIPPEREC
The SIPPEREC is a French public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation. The SIPPEREC chose the Infra-Corp group (Prizz) to manage the public service delegation contract for several networks.
Qotico Infrastructure IDF: A 20-year public service delegation agreement for the provision of services to transport and operate host infrastructure and fibre-optic infrastructure for networks in the Sud, Nord and Val-de-Marne sectors. The proposed services include the lease of dark fibre, an active L2 service delivering between 10 Mbps and 10 Gbps, the hosting service and the lease of cable ducting.
Qotico Télécom and Qotico Télécom IDF: cabled networks in the Sud sector and Val-de-Marne and Nord sectors respectively. Eight and ten-year public service delegation agreements for the provision of audiovisual communications and electronic communications services and the operation of coaxial sub-networks for networks in the Sud, Nord and Val-de-Marne sectors.