Site Notice

Prizz Télécom, a société par actions simplifiée à associé unique [simplified joint stock company with a sole shareholder] with share capital of €250,000, registered with the register of trade and companies of Amiens, France, under number 879 972 024, with SIRET [company registration] number 879 972 024 00019, the address for service of which is located at Zone d’Activité Chant des Oiseaux 80800 Fouilloy, France, represented by Mr Joël Péron, duly authorised for the purposes hereof.

Publication director: Joël Péron

Hosting provider: Prizz Télécom

Head office: ZAC du Chant des Oiseaux - 80800 Fouilloy, France

Tel.: +33 3 65 89 04 75